Bridge ribbon¶
In this version of Bridge, all publishing is triggered from buttons in the GeoCat Bridge tab of the ArcGIS Pro ribbon at the top. The ribbon also contains some shortcuts to the Data Space Content pane, the Style Preview pane, and the Settings (backstage).
The GeoCat Bridge ribbon tab should look something like this:
For publishing, the most important controls are described below.
Active Data Space selector¶
As you can see, there is a gallery (large dropdown menu) in the ribbon that allows you to select the data space you want to publish to. The highlighted data space in the gallery is the active one, which means that you can use it for browsing and publishing. In a future version of Bridge, you can also use it to search for data.
Note that this is not the only place where you can change the active data space. You can also set it at the top of the Data Spaces tab of the GeoCat Bridge pane. The active data space should be synchronized between the ribbon and the pane.
Publish Map button¶
If you wish to publish the whole active map (i.e. all publishable layer data, styles, and group layers) as a GeoServer workspace,
this button is for you. However, it is important to note that the behavior of this button depends on how you configured it.
Be aware that this publishing action is (potentially) destructive: any existing target workspace of the same name will be purged and replaced by the new one. If you wish to keep your workspace contents, use the other publishing buttons instead.
Note that a warning only shows up if you have configured the button to not start publishing immediately.
Layers section¶
Publish Layers¶
If you simply want to publish all (group) layers of the active map to the selected workspace, without removing anything, use this button. However, note that any layers and styles with a name that already exists in the target workspace will still be overwritten.
Publish Selected¶
This button behaves the same as the Publish Layers
button, but will only publish the (suitable) layers
that you have selected in the Table of Contents (TOC) of the active map.
This button will be unavailable if there are no selected layers.
Styles section¶
Publish Styles¶
This button allows you to only publish all layer styles (symbology) of the active map, without any layer (meta)data. This may be useful if you have updated the symbology in ArcGIS Pro, and you wish to apply these changes to the GeoServer layers as well, without having to upload (potentially large) datasets again.
Publish Selected¶
This button behaves the same as the Publish Styles
button, but will only publish the styles of the (suitable) layers
that you have selected in the Table of Contents (TOC) of the active map.
This button will be unavailable if there are no selected layers.