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Dutch view

Dutch view is a view plugin for GeoNetwork Enterprise. A view generally consists of a number of overrides for templates (html), styles (less) and scripts (js).


  • Design slightly follows dutch rijkshuisstijl
  • Introduces PDOK background layers as map backgrounds
  • Introduces PDOK locationserver as gazetteer

To install the plugin, follow the generic installation instructions for view plugins.

Select the view

In order to use the Dutch view you first have to go to AdminSettingsUser interface configuration.


Start typing interface in the filter settings

Change the view to dutch (lowercase).



Configure the view

To configure the view, go to AdminSettingsUser Interface. Click the button Create a default UI configuration, to create a default user interface configuration.


Once created select the option All current configuration to display all the user interface options:


In the following sections are described the options to configure use the Dutch view. Once the changes are applied, click the button Save settings.


Application layout

To use a fixed width layout for the application:

  1. In the Top toolbar section, disable the option Fluid container for Header and Top menu.
  2. In the Home page section, disable the option Fluid container for Home and Search

Home page category filters

  1. In the Home page section, replace the content of the section Facet configuration with the following content:
  "cl_topic.key": {
    "terms": {
      "field": "cl_topic.key",
      "size": 20
    "meta": {
      "decorator": {
        "type": "icon",
        "prefix": "fa fa-2x pull-left gn-icon-"
      "orderByTranslation": true


Search results layout

To display the search results with the proper layout, in the Search application section and configure:

  1. List of templates for search results:

    • For the option with icon fa-bars and tooltip List, set the HTML template URL value to ../../catalog/views/dutch/templates/list.html.
    • Remove the option with icon fa-th and tooltip Grid.
    • Remove the option with icon fa-table and tooltip Table.
  2. Default template used for search results with the value ../../catalog/views/dutch/templates/list.html.


Adding facets on top of the search results

To add facets-display, navigate to AdminSettingsUser InterfaceDisplay filter tags in the search results and select the corresponding option.

Map configuration

To use a Dutch map and Dutch coordinates, in the section Map application follow these steps:

  1. In Viewer Map Configuration, Search Map Configuration and Editor Maps Configuration set Path to the context file (XML) to ../../catalog/views/dutch/config-nl-viewer.xml.


  2. In Map projection and List of map projections to display bounding box coordinates in add EPSG:28992:


  3. In Projections to display maps into add the EPSG:28992 configuration:


    +proj=sterea +lat_0=52.15616055555555 +lon_0=5.38763888888889 +k=0.9999079 +x_0=155000 +y_0=463000 +ellps=bessel +towgs84=565.417,50.3319,465.552,-0.398957,0.343988,-1.8774,4.0725 +units=m +no_defs
    Default extension: -285401, 22598, 595401, 903401
    Maximum extension: -2, 49, 12, 55


Dutch search terms

To search using a Dutch gazetteer, set the thesaurus used by the location-search (homepage), download file from Nationaal Georegister and upload it in AdminClassificationFrom local file. It replaces the default regions thesaurus.


Export/Import settings

If you want to export your current settings locally (for archiving or port to another instance), go to the end of the page JSON Configuration, copy the JSON and paste it in a text editor and save the file.
