GeoPackage As Output

GeoPackage WMS Output Format

Any WMS GetMap request can be returned in the form of a Geopackage by specifying format=geopackage as output format (see WMS output formats). The returned result will be a GeoPackage file with a single tile layer.

The following additional parameters can be passed on using format_options:
  • tileset_name: name to be used for tileset in geopackage file (default is name of layer(s)).

  • min_zoom, max_zoom, min_column, max_column, min_row, max_row: set the minimum and maximum zoom level, column, and rows

  • gridset: name of gridset to use (otherwise default for CRS is used)

GeoPackage WFS Output Format

Any WFS GetFeature request can be returned as a Geopackage by specifying format=geopackage as output format (see WFS output formats). The returned result will be a GeoPackage file with a single features layer.

GeoPackage WPS Process

A custom GeoPackage can be created with any number of tiles and features layers using the GeoPackage WPS Process (see Process Cookbook).

The WPS process takes in one parameter: contents which is an xml schema that represents the desired output.

General outline of a contents scheme:

<geopackage name=”mygeopackage” xmlns="">

<features name=”myfeaturelayer” identifier=”L01”>
        <description>describe the layer</description>
        <srs> EPSG:4216 </srs>

<tiles name=”mytileslayer” identifier=”L02”>
        <description>describe the layer</description>


Each geopackage has a mandatory name, which will be the name of the file (with the extension .gpkg added). Each layer (features or tiles) has the following properties:

  • name (mandatory): the name of the layer in the geopackage;

  • identifier (optional): an identifier for the layer;

  • description (optional): a description for the layer;

  • srs ( mandatory for tiles, optional for features): coordinate reference system; for features the default is the SRS of the feature type;

  • bbox ( mandatory for tiles, optional for features): the bounding box; for features the default is the bounding box of the feature type.

Outline of the features layer:

<features name=”myfeaturelayer” identifier=”L01”>
        <propertynames>property1, property2</propertynames>
Each features layer has the following properties:
  • featuretype (mandatory): the feature type

  • propertynames (optional): list of comma-separated names of properties in feature type to be included (default is all properties)

  • filter (optional): any OGC filter that will be applied on features before output

  • indexed (optional): include spatial indexes in the output (true/false)

  • styles (optional): include styles in the output using the portrayal and semantic annotation extensions (true/false)

Outline of the tiles layer:

<tiles name=”mytileslayer” identifier=”L02”>
        <layers>layer1, layer2</styles>
        <styles> style1, style2 </styles>
        <sld> path/to/file.sld </sld>
        <sldBody> .. </sldBody>
Each tiles layer has the following properties:
  • layers (mandatory): comma-separated list of layers that will be included

  • styles, sld, and sldbody are mutually exclusive, having one is mandatory
    • styles: list of comma-separated styles to be used

    • sld: path to sld style file

    • sldbody: inline sld style file

  • format (optional): mime-type of image format of tiles (image/png or image/jpeg)

  • bgcolor (optional): background colour as a six-digit hexadecimal RGB value

  • transparent (optional): transparency (true or false)

  • coverage (optional)

  • minzoom, maxzoom, minColumn, maxColumn, minRow, maxRow (all optional): set the minimum and maximum zoom level, column, and rows

  • gridset (optional): see following

Gridset can take on two possible (mutually exclusive) forms:


where the name of a known gridset is specified; or a custom gridset may be defined as follows:
