1.1. Extension Install¶
This workshop course requires GeoServer with a few additional extensions.
CSS Styling: Quickly and easily generate SLD files
YSLD Styling: An alternative styling language to SLD
Importer: Wizard for bulk import of data
On Windows the following is recommended:
The CSS extension is distributed as a supported GeoServer extension. Extensions are unpacked into the libs
folder of the GeoServer application. The YSLD extension is a new addition to geoserver and is distributed as an unsupported GeoServer extension.
In a classroom setting these extensions have already been installed.
1.1.1. Manual Install¶
To download and install the required extensions by hand:
Download geoserver-2.10-M0-css-plugin.zip and geoserver-2.10-M0-css-plugin.zip from:
Development Release (GeoServer WebSite)
It is important to download the version that matches the GeoServer you are running.
Download the geoserver-2.10-SNAPSHOT-ysld-plugin.zip from:
Community Builds (GeoServer WebSite)
Stop the GeoServer application.
Navigate into the
folder.These files make up the running GeoServer application.
Unzip the contents of the three zip files into the
folder.Restart the Application Server.
Login to the Web Administration application. Select Styles from the naviagion menu. Click Create a new style and ensure both CSS and YSLD are available in the formats dropdown. Click Cancel to return to the Styles page without saving.