Extensions are modules that add functionality to GeoServer. They are installed as add-ons to the base GeoServer installation.
This section describes most of the extensions available for GeoServer. Other data formats can be found in the Vector data, Raster data, Databases, and Styling sections.
- Key authentication module
- Control flow module
- DXF OutputFormat for WFS and WPS PPIO
- Excel WFS Output Format
- Imagemap
- Importer
- JP2K Plugin
- libjpeg-turbo Map Encoder Extension
- Monitoring
- NetCDF
- NetCDF Output Format
- OGR based WFS Output Format
- OGR based WPS Output Format
- GeoServer Printing Module
- Cross-layer filtering
- Vector Tiles
- XSLT WFS output format module
- Web Coverage Service 2.0 Earth Observation extensions
- MongoDB Data Store
- SLD REST Service
- Geofence Plugin
- Geofence Internal Server
- CAS integration
- Parameters Extractor
- GWC S3 BlobStore plugin
- WMTS Multidimensional
- WPS Download plugin
- MapML