Installation on Linux

To install GeoServer Enterprise in Linux, follow these steps.


GeoServer Enterprise requires a Java 8 environment.

OpenJDK is now the lead project for the Java ecosystem. As an open-source company GeoCat is pleased to see OpenJDK supported by a number of different distributions.

  1. We recommend using OpenJDK 8 provided by your operating system:

    • Ubuntu

      sudo apt-get install openjdk-8-jdk
    • RedHat:

      sudo yum install java-1.8.0-openjdk-devel
    • To manually install Java, see Manual Linux Java Install

  2. Verify that java is available:

    java -version
    openjdk version "1.8.0_262"
    OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_262-b10)
    OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.262-b10, mixed mode)

Apache Tomcat

Apache Tomcat is the leading open source application server.

GeoServer Enterprise supports Apache Tomcat 8.5.x or 9.0.x.

  1. Installation options:

  2. Verify that tomcat is available as a service:

    • Ubuntu

      sudo service tomcat9 status
    • CentOS

      systemctl status tomcat
  1. The application server is available on port 8080:

Data Directory

GeoServer places all its required configuration files in a GEOSERVER_DATA_DIR folder.

This location my be explicitly provided, to do so, follow these steps:

  1. Create a folder to hold your GeoServer Enterprise configuration:

    sudo mkdir /var/opt/geoserver/
  2. We have three options for creating an initial GeoServer data directory:

    • Alternative 1 - Use the default data directory with recommended service configuration settings.

      Login to and browse to the enterprise folder:

      Navigate to the latest geoserver release and select the geoserver-data-default zip archive.


      Locate latest geoserver-data-default zip archive

      Copy the download URL from the asset summary Path link.


      Latest geoserver-data-default zip URL

      Use wget to download the URL:

      mkdir /tmp/geoserver-enterprise
      cd /tmp/geoserver-enterprise
      wget --http-user='USERNAME' --http-password='PASSWORD'
      geoserver-data-default-2020.5-2.17. 100%[================================================================>]  10.41K  --.-KB/s    in 0.002s
      2020-09-11 09:11:00 (5.03 MB/s) - ‘’ saved [10663/10663]

      Unzip this archive:

      cd /tmp/geoserver-enterprise
      unzip geoserver-data-default*.zip
       inflating: windows/geoserver.xml
       inflating: linux/geoserver.xml
       inflating: README.txt

      Unzip the

      unzip -d /var/opt/geoserver/data


      If wget or unzip are not installed, you can install the packages;

      # Ubuntu
      sudo apt-get install wget
      sudo apt-get install unzip
      # CentOS
      sudo yum install wget
      sudo yum install unzip
    • Alternative 2 - Use the standard data directory with recommended service configuration settings, and a selection of example layers:

       inflating: windows/geoserver.xml
       inflating: linux/geoserver.xml
       inflating: README.txt

      Unzip the

      unzip -d /var/opt/geoserver/data
    • Alternative 3 - Use an empty folder, GeoServer will generate configuration files to this folder the first time it runs:

      cd /var/opt/geoserver/
      mkdir data

      This approach is often used in automated workflow where GeoServer is configured via REST API scripts.


      You must also remove this line from your Geoserver Tomcat context file;

      <Parameter name="GEOSERVER_REQUIRE_FILE"
         value="/var/opt/geoserver/data/global.xml" override="false"/>
  3. Create an empty tilecache folder:

    sudo mkdir /var/opt/geoserver/tilecache

    The GeoWebCache tile server will use this empty folder to manage generated tiles.

  4. Ensure the tomcat user has permission to access the above directories:

    sudo chown -R tomcat:tomcat /var/opt/geoserver
    sudo chmod +r+w -R /var/opt/geoserver
  5. Update the Tomcat configuration with this data directory location:

    • Open the Tomcat folder (/var/lib/tomcat9/, /opt/tomcat/latest or /etc/tomcat9) and navigate to the conf/Catalina/localhost subfolder.

    • In the localhost folder, create a geoserver.xml file, with the following content:

        <Parameter name="GEOSERVER_DATA_DIR"
                   value="/var/opt/geoserver/data" override="false"/>
        <Parameter name="GEOSERVER_REQUIRE_FILE"
                   value="/var/opt/geoserver/data/global.xml" override="false"/>
        <Parameter name="GEOWEBCACHE_CACHE_DIR"
                   value="/var/opt/geoserver/tilecache" override="false"/>

    Note the conf/Catalina/localhost/ folder is created when you first run Tomcat.

  6. The default on recent Ubuntu is to provide and operating system systemd sandbox for services.

    Provide tomcat9 service read/write permissions to the GeoServer Data Directory and the GeoWebCache tile cache directory:

    1. Edit the Tomcat systemd configuration. This is likely in /etc/systemd/system/

    2. In the [Service] section, add these lines:

    3. If you will be writing anywhere else on the file system, also add those directories here.

    4. Ask systemd to read these changes, and restart Tomcat

      sudo systemctl daemon-reload
      sudo service tomcat9 restart

GeoServer Enterprise

To install GeoServer on your existing Tomcat instance, follow these steps:

  1. Login to and browse to the enterprise folder:

    Navigate to the latest geoserver release and select the geoserver-standard zip archive.

  2. Unzip this file containing:

    • windows - sample configuration files

    • geoserver.war - geoserver enterprise web application

    • GPL and LICENSE.txt open source license information

  3. Copy the geoserver.war web archive to the to [Tomcat_folder]/webapps folder.

    The [Tomcat_folder] will be either /var/lib/tomcat9/ or /opt/tomcat/latest.

    Tomcat will deploy geoserver.war web application, creating the folder webapps/geoserver when you first run Tomcat.

  4. In your web browser, navigate to localhost:8080/geoserver to verify that GeoServer Enterprise is correctly working.
