GeoServer Enterprise 2022.3 Release Notes

GeoCat is pleased to present our latest distribution of GeoServer Enterprise.


GeoServer Enterprise 2022.3 provides support for publishing geospatial data using open standards.

This distribution is made available to GeoCat customers:

  • GeoServer Enterprise Standard distribution provides a web archive (or docker image) of GeoServer bundled with popular extensions backed by GeoCat long-term support

  • GeoServer Enterprise Premium offers a custom distribution with your selection of extensions backed by GeoCat extended support.

  • GeoCat Live provides a hosted GeoServer environment

GeoServer Enterprise 2022.3 is a recommended upgrade for all our customers and is compatible with GeoCat Bridge for both ArcGIS Desktop and QGIS Desktop.


GeoServer Enterprise 2022.3 release notes:

  • Offers our GeoServer Enterprise Premium customers “predefined war” service with a ready to use war including your selection of supported GeoServer extensions.

  • GeoServer Enterprise 2022.3 is proudly open source with GeoServer 2.22.2, GeoWebCache 1.22.1, and GeoTools 28.2 technologies.

Detailed change log:

Security considerations:

Known issues:

  • Request body logging incompatible with OAuth security authentication

  • Known issues for 2.22.2

GeoServer Enterprise Standard


  • Getting started updated with tutorials on GeoPackage, Images, Layer Groups and Styles

  • Tutorials provides an index of all tutorials across user manual

New Feature provided by the GeoCat Live team:

  • Welcome Page: Summary

    The welcome page description provides a summary of the workspaces and layers available to the current user.

  • Welcome Page: Workspace and Layer selection

    Select workspace for web services specific to project or team.

    Select layer for web services for a single dataset (recommended when linking catalogue record to web services).

  • Welcome Page: Contact information and web service description.

    Header includes a welcome message and optional link to organization or team responsible for the service. Customize by filling in contact information welcome message and online resource.

    Footer includes an optional contact administrator link if administrator email is provided.

    Services are listed using their service title and description.


  • Significant improvement in raster rendering performance with hyperspectral imagery.

  • Configuration of output formats allowed by GetFeature operation

  • Use UPDATE_BUILT_IN_LOGGING_PROFILES=true to automatically keep logging profiles up to date

  • Startup logging message improvements: removed warnings for expected changes (such as upgrading logging profiles).

  • Translations updates

  • For large catalogues properties are available to control welcome page behaviour:

    Control how workspaces and layers are selected by changing GeoServerHomePage.selectionMode=AUTO to DROPDOWN, and TEXT. Change the default GeoServerHomePage.selectionTimeout=5000 timeout to adjust how long AUTO waits for a response before using TEXT. Adjust GeoServerHomePage.selectionMaxItems=1000 to constrain the number of layers listed.


  • Styles are now listed with their format (SLD 1.0, SLD 1.1, YSLD, …).

  • YSLD properties layer-name to configure named layer wrapper for legend generation

GeoServer Enterprise Premium

New features:

  • WFS Describe Schema can make use database column descriptions in type definition

  • Localize MapML with WMS language parameter


  • Keycloak improvements to role service and better compatibility when combined with other filters in a filter chain.

Technology preview:

  • Ouath2 Open ID Connect compatibility with keycloak and configuration available to send client secret in token response

  • Cloud Optimized GeoTIFF: under customer evaluation for roadmap planning

    Azure support for COG storage available (with access credentials supplied via system properties)

  • ogcapi-features: under customer evaluation for roadmap planning

  • CSW extensions for ISO Metadata and Metadata editor extension are available for preproduction testing and evaluation