GeoServer Access Control List authorization
GeoServer ACL is an advanced authorization system for GeoServer.
The source code for this plugin resides on the geoserver-acl project code base, where it’s tested against the stable, development, and maintenance versions of GeoServer.
This community module hence only runs a Testcontainers based integration test suite, using the geoservercloud/geoserver-acl Docker image for the dependency version defined in this project’s pom.xml.
The plugin .zip file is to be installed as usual, un-zipping it inside the GeoServer WEB-INF/lib folder.
The GeoServer ACL service is distributed as a Docker image in dockerhub: geoservercloud/geoserver-acl
For the plugin to work in GeoServer, you need a running GeoServer ACL service.
Please check the accompanying compose.yml example docker composition for a complete set up.
Plugin Configuration
The GeoServer ACL plugin requires GeoServer to be run with some System properties or environment variables to set up the ACL API client target URL and credentials.
System Properties
If you choose to use Java System properties, add the following ones to the GeoServer JVM parameters, with the appropriate values:
Disabling the plugin
The geoserver.acl.enabled config property defaults to true so it’s not required for the plugin to run. In order to completely disable the plugin, set it to false:
Environment variables
In production environments it’s usually more convenient to control configuration options through environment variables, where sensitive values can be obtained from docker/kubernetes secrets.
All the system properties mentioned above can be mapped to environment variables by changing their names to upper case and replacing dots by underscores:
For example:
And so on.
Setting the plugin’s authorization cache expiration time
The GeoServer ACL API plugin implements a local cache for authorization requests/responses, that has a default 30 seconds expiration time.
The cache “expiration time”, or “time to live”, can be changed through the Dgeoserver.acl.client.cache.ttl configuration property, which accepts a java.time.Duration string. For example:
will set the cache TTL to 5 seconds.
"PT20.345S" -- parses as "20.345 seconds"
"PT15M" -- parses as "15 minutes" (where a minute is 60 seconds)
"PT10H" -- parses as "10 hours" (where an hour is 3600 seconds)
"P2D" -- parses as "2 days" (where a day is 24 hours or 86400 seconds)
"P2DT3H4M" -- parses as "2 days, 3 hours and 4 minutes"
This is important because the cache TTL will impact the latency for GeoServer to respond to data access or workspace admin access rules modified or deleted directly through the ACL REST API that happen outside GeoServer.
If you’re implementing a workflow where you’re managing ACL rules directly through the ACL service API, you might want to set a shorter cache TTL.
Alternatively, you can introduce a direct call to the GeoServer REST API to force clearing the cache using the /rest/reset endpoint. For example:
curl -u admin:geoserver -X POST "http://localhost:8080/geoserver/rest/reset"
The web user interface can also be used to clear out the caches through the “Server Status” page, clicking the Resource Cache -> Clear button.
In either case, you’d see a message like the following in the GeoServer logs, provided the logging configuration enables the info level for the org.geoserver.acl.authorization.cache topic:
INFO [org.geoserver.acl.authorization.cache] - evicted 56 cached ACL authorizations
The cache time to live is not a problem when the plugin runs in GeoServer Cloud, because the ACL Service integrates with the GeoServer Cloud event bus, and notifies all the running pods when a data access or admin access rule is changed, and the GeoServer microservices react immediately clearing out the authorization cache.