Docker Container
Geoserver is also packaged as a Docker Container. For more details, see the Geoserver Docker Container Project.
See the file for more technical information.
Quick Start
This will run the container, with the data directory included with the container:
Make sure you have Docker installed.
Download the container:
These instructions are for GeoServer 2.26.1.
docker pull
Run the container
docker run -it -p8080:8080
In a web browser, navigate to
.If you see the GeoServer Welcome page, then GeoServer is successfully installed.
GeoServer Welcome Page
This setup is a quick test to ensure the software is working, but is difficult to use as file data can only be transferred to the data directory included with the container via the REST API.
Using your own Data Directory
This will run the container with a local data directory. The data directory will be mounted into the docker container.
Change /MY/DATADIRECTORY to your data directory. If this directory is empty it will be populated with the standard Geoserver Sample Data Directory.
Make sure you have Docker installed.
Download the container
docker pull
Run the container
docker run -it -p8080:8080 \ --mount type=bind,src=/MY/DATADIRECTORY,target=/opt/geoserver_data \
In a web browser, navigate to
.If you see the GeoServer Welcome page, then GeoServer is successfully installed.
GeoServer Welcome Page
This setup allows direct management of the file data shared with the container. This setup is also easy to update to use the latest container.
Adding GeoServer Extensions
You can add GeoServer Extensions - the container will download them during startup.
docker run -it -p8080:8080 \ --env INSTALL_EXTENSIONS=true \ --env STABLE_EXTENSIONS="ysld,h2" \
This will download and install the YSLD and H2 extension.
Here is a list of available extensions (taken from the build server):
app-schema gdal jp2k ogr-wps web-resource
authkey geofence libjpeg-turbo oracle wmts-multi-dimensional
cas geofence-server mapml params-extractor wps-cluster-hazelcast
charts geopkg-output mbstyle printing wps-download
control-flow grib mongodb pyramid wps-jdbc
css gwc-s3 monitor querylayer wps
csw h2 mysql sldservice xslt
db2 imagemap netcdf-out sqlserver ysld
dxf importer netcdf vectortiles
excel inspire ogr-wfs wcs2_0-eo
Testing Geoserver Community modules
Working with a Nightly build is a good way to test community modules and provide feedback to developers working on new functionality.
Community modules are shared as part GeoServer 2.26.1 source code bundle to be compiled for testing and feedback by the developer community.
When the developer has met the documentation and quality assurance standards for GeoServer they may ask for the module to be included in GeoServer.
If you are interested in helping out please contact the developer (list in the pom.xml
file for the module).
community modules (Developer Guide)