Getting involved

GeoServer exists because of the efforts of people like you.

There are many ways that you can help out with the GeoServer project. GeoServer fully embraces an open source development model that does not see a split between user and developer, producer and consumer, but instead sees everyone as a valuable contributor.

GeoServer opperates with full transparency with public policies and procedures. We look forward to working with you.


Helping to develop GeoServer is the obvious way to help out. Developers usually start with bug fixes and other small patches, and then move into larger contributions as they learn the system. Our developers are more than happy to help out as you learn and get acquainted. We try our hardest to keep our code clean and well documented.

You can find the project on Anyone can submit pull requests, following our contributing policy, which will be evaluated by the team.

To learn more about contributing to the GeoServer codebase, we recommend reading the Developers Guide and joining GeoServer Developers (see below).


For commit access new developers can request to work on a community module immediately, or make contributions over time to earn a nomination for full committ access.


Another crucial way to help out is with documentation. Whether it’s adding tutorials or just correcting mistakes, every contribution serves to make the project more healthy. And the best part is that you do not need to be a developer in order to contribute.

Our official documentation is contained as part of our official code repository. Anyone can submit pull requests, which will be evaluated by the team.

See also

To learn more about contributing to the GeoServer documentation, we recommend reading the Documentatiom Guide and joining GeoServer Developers (see below).


For typos and other small changes you can use the Edit Page link on any page. Please see Quick Fix example.

GeoServer User

The GeoServer User Forum is hosted on Discourse. See the usage instructions for how to sign in (or how to set up a mailing list experience).

The GeoServer User forum is for those who have questions relating to the use of GeoServer. If you see a question asked on that you know the answer to, please respond!

This is an open communication channels are publicly available and are a great resource for those who are new to GeoServer, who need a question answered, or who are interested in contributing code.


The forum includes the complete geoserver-users Source Forge as a searchable archive going back to 2004.

GeoServer Developer

The GeoServer Developers mailing list is hosted SourceForge.

The GeoServer Developers list is for for those working directly on the project, with code-specific and roadmap-based discussions.

See also

The Community Development page provides additional communication options for developers.

Reporitng a Bug

If you enounter a problem when working with GeoServer, then please let us know through forum or mailing list above.

GeoServer uses the Jira Issue Tracker, to manage issue reports. In order to submit an issue, you’ll need to create an account first.

Everyone is encouraged to submit pull-requests and, if possible, fix issues as well.


As a popular program GeoServer often excheeds the number of accounts available to open source projects. So if you cannot get in please let us know and we will review unused accounts.


Coordinated Vulnerability Disclosure

If you encounter a security vulnerability in GeoServer please keep in mind our Coordinated Vunerability Disclosue policy:

  • Keep exploit details out of public forums, mailing list and issue tracker.

Send details to This is a moderated list: send directly to the address; your email will be moderated; and eventually shared with volunteers.

Or directly use GitHub private vunerablity reporting.

  • There is no expected response time. Be prepared to work with Be prepared to work with geoserver-security email list volunteers on a solution.

  • Keep in mind participants are volunteering their time, an extensive fix may require fundraising/resources.

If you are not in position to communicate in public, please consider commercial support, contacting a Project Steering Committee member, or reaching us via the Open Source Geospatial Foundation at


We would like GeoServer available in as many languages as possible. The two areas of GeoServer to translate are the text that appears in the Web administration interface and this documentation.

If you are interested in helping with this task, please read the translation seciton of the developers manual, and let us know via communication channels above.

Suggest improvements

If you have suggestions as to how we can make GeoServer better, we would love to hear them. You can contact us through the mailing lists or submit a feature request through Jira.

Spread the word

A further way to help out the GeoServer project is to spread the word. Word-of-mouth information sharing is more powerful than any marketing, and the more people who use our software, the better it will become.

We also gladly accept blog posts from community members for the GeoServer website. If you have a fun example of using GeoServer to share please volunteer to write a blog post.

Fund improvements

A final way to help out is to push for GeoServer to be used in your own organization. A number of commercial organizations offer support for GeoServer, and any improvements made due to that funding will benefit the entire GeoServer community.

  • Core Contributors: Have both expertese in GeoServer development and have made a committment to the projects long term sustainability. These

  • Experienced Providers: Have a clear track record of successfully contirbuting changes back into the project as a long term improvements.

Sponsorship and Donations

GeoServer accepts sponsorship and donations through the Open Source Geospatial Foundation to take on activities beyond the reach of any single developer or organisation.

For more information see GeoServer Sponsorship.