2023.0 Update
Updated 2 May 2023.
Catalogue services
Updated to the latest GeoNetwork Enterprise 2022.4.
- Bugfix: Only allow Administrator users delete the UI settings for the default user interface.
- Bugfix: Update the thesaurus import from INSPIRE Re3gistry to use the latest version.
- Improvement: On the harvesters page, display the button to assign the harvested records to the local catalogue only to Administrator users.
- Improvement: On the settings page, prevents browser from auto-completing proxy password.
- Bugfix: In the CSW service, fixed the queries when the metadata workflow is enabled to avoid returning the approved metadata and it's working copy (for metadata that is approved and has a working copy).
- Bugfix: Fix the RDF export for ISO19139 and ISO19115-3.2018 metadata, encoding the space characters in the thumbnail urls and fixing the definition of the geometry field information.
- Bugfix: Fix the retrieval of the feature catalog metadata (ISO19110) related resources. An error was returned, instead of the related metadata results.
- Improvement: Configuration to notify users by mail about metadata publication / un-publication.
- Improvement: In the metadata workflow, added an option to submit multiple metadata for approval.
- Improvement: When duplicating ISO19139 and ISO19115-3.2018 metadata, clean DOI information.
- Bugfix: Fixed Site API privileges.
- Bugfix: Validate the language parameter in API services.
- Improvement: Better log messages in xslt utility methods.
- Improvement: Update Bootstrap from version 3.3.7 to version 3.4.1.
- Improvement: Update bootstrap-table library to version 1.21.1.
- Improvement: Update moment library to version 2.29.4.
- Improvement: Update underscore.js library to version 1.13.6.
- Improvement: Verify that the logout redirect URL is an application URL.
Canadian metadata schema (HNAP)
- Bugfix: Fix french country code according to iso19139 in the FGP conversion process.
- Bugfix: Metadata editor / Fix online resources protocol validation to validate the codes instead of the translation labels.
- Improvement: Metadata editor / increase the number of suggestions for the online resource formats list.
- Improvement: Metadata editor / option to add additional distribution formats.
Dutch dataset 2.1.0 metadata schema
- Bugfix: Fix typo in metadata maintenance Dutch text.
- Bugfix: Update protocol list values according to https://docs.geostandaarden.nl/md/mdprofiel-iso19115/#codelist-protocol
Dutch dataset 1.3.1 metadata schema
- Improvement: Add metadata standard value
Nederlands metadata profiel op ISO 19115 voor geografie versie 1.3.1
to match the metadata schema.
Dutch services 2.1.0 metadata schema
- Bugfix: Fix typo in metadata maintenance Dutch text.
- Bugfix: Update protocol list values according to https://docs.geostandaarden.nl/md/mdprofiel-iso19115/#codelist-protocol
Dutch services 1.2.1 metadata schema
- Bugfix: Update Dutch texts translations.
Mapping services
Updated to the latest GeoServer Enterprise 2022.3.
Welcome Page: Summary
The welcome page description provides a summary of the workspaces and layers available to the current user.
Welcome Page: Workspace and Layer selection
Select workspace for web services specific to project or team.
Select layer for web services for a single dataset (recommended when linking catalogue record to web services).
Welcome Page: Contact information and web service description.
Header includes a welcome message and optional link to organization or team responsible for the service. Customize by filling in contact information welcome message and online resource.
Footer includes an optional contact administrator link if administrator email is provided.
Services are listed using their service title and description.
Configuration of output formats allowed by GetFeature operation
Translations updates
WFS Describe Schema can make use database column descriptions in type definition
- New welcome page
- The getting started
- Tutorials