2023.2 Update
Updated 5 July 2023.
Catalogue services
Updated to the latest GeoNetwork Enterprise 2022.5.
Bugfix: Cmis / create the metadata resource folder if missing during metadata loading.
Bugfix: Metadata editor / fix the disabling of the button in the link to parent dialog when no metadata is selected.
Bugfix: Metadata editor / ISO19139 / Fix display of contact individual name label in German.
Bugfix: Metadata editor / ISO19139 / Fix disable of link to parent button.
Bugfix: Metadata workflow / send mail notifications for metadata status change to DRAFT when doing a rejection, not when creating a working copy.
Bugfix: Metadata detail page / update link type protocol values for map layers.
Metadata with any online resource related to OGC, for example OGC:CSW display in the search results the globe icon to add the "layer" to the map viewer.
This code change, limits the values to OGC:WMS and OGC:WMTS.
Improvement: Metadata editor / When selecting a file in the online resources dialog, decode the file name from the resource URL to fill the resource name.
Improvement: Metadata editor / Use created, modified, issued date defined in the thesaurus file when adding keywords, to fill the thesaurus information section.
Improvement: Metadata workflow / Send metadata mail notifications for public metadata when is re-approved.
Improvement: Metadata workflow / Update publish link so that it is disabled if the metadata has not been approved.
Improvement: Support customising the metadata publication options.
Editor board
- Bugfix: Fix only my records filter when reset the search in the editor board or access to the editor board from other pages.
- Improvement: Improve metadata batch process report to include meaningful errors.
Map viewer
- Improvement: when identifying on a map layer defined in a metadata with a linked feature catalog record, improve the mechanism to display the column titles from the feature catalog metadata instead of the column identifiers from the WMS FeatureInfo.
- Bugfix: Fix CSRF exclusions when using KeyCloak.
- Improvement: Replace logging library Log4J v1.2.7 with reload4j.
- Improvement: Update Geotools to v24.7.
Canadian metadata schema (HNAP)
- Bugfix: Change URL for metadata schema location.
- Bugfix: Duplicate metadata / update URL test to support also the DOI test endpoint and remove the DOI information.
- Bugfix: Metadata editor / Update the EPSG urls used for reference system information. The old http://www.epsg-registry.org/ no longer works, the new address is https://epsg.io.
- Bugfix: Metadata editor / Use created, modified, issued date defined in the thesaurus file when adding keywords, to fill the thesaurus information section.
- Improvement: Add nongeospatial metadata templates.
- Improvement: Metadata editor / Display button to add additional distribution formats.
Dutch dataset 2.1.0 metadata schema
- Bugfix: Use the metadata standard value
Nederlands metadata profiel op ISO 19115 voor geografie 2.0.0
to identify metadata of the Dutch Geografie 2.0.0 schema. - Bugfix: Fix typo in metadata maintenance Dutch text.
Dutch dataset 1.3.1 metadata schema
- Bugfix: Use the metadata standard value
Nederlands metadata profiel op ISO 19115 voor geografie versie 1.3.1
to identify metadata of the Dutch Geografie 1.3.1 schema.
Dutch Service 2.0.0 schema
- Bugfix: Fix typo in metadata maintenance Dutch text.
- Bugfix: Metadata editor / Update protocol list values according to https://docs.geostandaarden.nl/md/mdprofiel-iso19115/#codelist-protocol
Dutch Service 1.2.1 schema
- Bugfix: Update Dutch texts translations.
Mapping services
Updated to the latest GeoServer Enterprise 2023.1. This release provides a long awaited security configuration page allowing administrator control over the use of remote resources by OGC protocols.
URL Check Page
- URL Checks page added allowing administrator control of the remote resources used by OGC Services.