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2023.2 Update

Updated 5 July 2023.

Catalogue services

Updated to the latest GeoNetwork Enterprise 2022.5.


  • Bugfix: Cmis / create the metadata resource folder if missing during metadata loading.

  • Bugfix: Metadata editor / fix the disabling of the button in the link to parent dialog when no metadata is selected.

  • Bugfix: Metadata editor / ISO19139 / Fix display of contact individual name label in German.

  • Bugfix: Metadata editor / ISO19139 / Fix disable of link to parent button.

  • Bugfix: Metadata workflow / send mail notifications for metadata status change to DRAFT when doing a rejection, not when creating a working copy.

  • Bugfix: Metadata detail page / update link type protocol values for map layers.

    Metadata with any online resource related to OGC, for example OGC:CSW display in the search results the globe icon to add the "layer" to the map viewer.

    This code change, limits the values to OGC:WMS and OGC:WMTS.

  • Improvement: Metadata editor / When selecting a file in the online resources dialog, decode the file name from the resource URL to fill the resource name.

  • Improvement: Metadata editor / Use created, modified, issued date defined in the thesaurus file when adding keywords, to fill the thesaurus information section.

  • Improvement: Metadata workflow / Send metadata mail notifications for public metadata when is re-approved.

  • Improvement: Metadata workflow / Update publish link so that it is disabled if the metadata has not been approved.

  • Improvement: Support customising the metadata publication options.

Editor board

  • Bugfix: Fix only my records filter when reset the search in the editor board or access to the editor board from other pages.
  • Improvement: Improve metadata batch process report to include meaningful errors.

Map viewer

  • Improvement: when identifying on a map layer defined in a metadata with a linked feature catalog record, improve the mechanism to display the column titles from the feature catalog metadata instead of the column identifiers from the WMS FeatureInfo.


  • Bugfix: Fix CSRF exclusions when using KeyCloak.
  • Improvement: Replace logging library Log4J v1.2.7 with reload4j.
  • Improvement: Update Geotools to v24.7.

Canadian metadata schema (HNAP)

  • Bugfix: Change URL for metadata schema location.
  • Bugfix: Duplicate metadata / update URL test to support also the DOI test endpoint and remove the DOI information.
  • Bugfix: Metadata editor / Update the EPSG urls used for reference system information. The old no longer works, the new address is
  • Bugfix: Metadata editor / Use created, modified, issued date defined in the thesaurus file when adding keywords, to fill the thesaurus information section.
  • Improvement: Add nongeospatial metadata templates.
  • Improvement: Metadata editor / Display button to add additional distribution formats.

Dutch dataset 2.1.0 metadata schema

  • Bugfix: Use the metadata standard value Nederlands metadata profiel op ISO 19115 voor geografie 2.0.0 to identify metadata of the Dutch Geografie 2.0.0 schema.
  • Bugfix: Fix typo in metadata maintenance Dutch text.

Dutch dataset 1.3.1 metadata schema

  • Bugfix: Use the metadata standard value Nederlands metadata profiel op ISO 19115 voor geografie versie 1.3.1 to identify metadata of the Dutch Geografie 1.3.1 schema.

Dutch Service 2.0.0 schema

Dutch Service 1.2.1 schema

  • Bugfix: Update Dutch texts translations.

Mapping services

Updated to the latest GeoServer Enterprise 2023.1. This release provides a long awaited security configuration page allowing administrator control over the use of remote resources by OGC protocols.

URL Check Page URL Check Page
