2023.3 Update
Updated 9 September 2023.
Catalogue services
Updated to the latest GeoNetwork Enterprise 2022.5.
User interface
- Improvement: Improvements in the no javascript mode support.
- Improvement: Top toolbar / don't truncate username label vertically.
- Bugfix: ATOM predefined feeds / retrieve the metadata ATOM feed using only the resource identifier, not the metadata resource type.
- Bugfix: ATOM predefined feeds / support resource code elements with anchors.
- Bugfix: ISO19139 / Fix German typo of the label for 'otherRestrictions'.
- Bugfix: Metadata workflow / metadata bulk assignment of privileges should be assigned to the approved version, not to the working copy version.
- Improvement: ATOM predefined feeds / optimisations for ATOM describe service.
- Improvement: Update status emails to contain link to metadata which does not contain anchor. (#7130)
Map viewer
- Bugfix: Fix the check to display the option to index WFS features for layers from harvested metadata, to display it only to administrators.
- Improvement: Add support for OpenLayers attributions in map context files.
- Bugfix: Set html emails encoding as utf-8.
- Bugfix: Thesaurus / Use ISO format for date for the regions thesaurus.
Canadian metadata schema (HNAP)
- Bugfix: Fix minor issues in sample metadata so that the validation passes.
- Bugfix: Improve security code validation rules to avoid mismatches between the values in English and French.
- Bugfix: Metadata editor / Online resources / For multilingual fields display only 1 tooltip button.
- Bugfix: Update codelist value theme for the keyword type, to the correct value in the HNAP.
- Improvement: Add credit information to the basic view if it is defined in the metadata, and configure it as a bilingual field.
- Improvement: Add open government thesaurus for audience, subject, geographic region and place of publication.
- Improvement: Add validation of temporal and geographical extent values.
- Improvement: Documentation updates.
- Improvement: Don't display referenceSystemInfo element if empty.
Mapping services
Updated to the latest GeoServer Enterprise 2023.3.
- Admin console display of text fields
- Keycloak: Fix to keycloak recognition of custom admin role
- LDAP: Fix roles ervices for LDAP/Active Directory