Doing a GeoNetwork releaseΒΆ

This section documents the steps followed by the development team to do a new release.

Once the release branch has been thoroughly tested and is stable a release can be made.

  1. Build the release

# Setup properties
modules=( "schemas/iso19115-3.2018" )

# Get the branch
git clone --recursive \
cd geonetwork-$versionbranch

# Create or move to the branch for the version
# Create it if it does not exist yet
git checkout -b $versionbranch $frombranch
# or move into it if it exist
# git checkout $versionbranch

# Update version number (in pom.xml, installer config and SQL)
./ $currentversion $newversion

# Build the new release
mvn clean install -DskipTests -Pwith-doc

# Generate list of changes
cat <<EOF > docs/changes$newversion.txt
=== GeoNetwork $version: List of changes
git log --pretty='format:- %s' $previousversion... >> docs/changes$newversion.txt

# Download Jetty and create the installer
cd release
mvn clean install -Djetty-download
cd ../installer
cd ..
  1. Test the installer

cd geonetwork-$version
java -jar geonetwork-$newversion/geonetwork-install-$newversion.jar
  1. Commit & tag the new version (in submodule first and then in the main module)

# Then create the new branch for the plugin (ie.19115-3.2018)
cd schemas/iso19115-3.2018/
git checkout -b $versionbranch $frombranch
git push origin $versionbranch
# TODO: Check if plugin version needs an update or not and when ?
cd ../..

# Then commit the new version
git add .
git commit -m "Update version to $newversion"

# Push the release tag
git tag -a $version -m "Tag for $version release"
git push origin $version

# Set version number to SNAPSHOT
./ $newversion $nextversion

# Add SQL migration step for the next version
mkdir web/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/classes/setup/sql/migrate/v383
cat <<EOF > web/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/classes/setup/sql/migrate/v383/migrate-default.sql
UPDATE Settings SET value='3.8.3' WHERE name='system/platform/version';
UPDATE Settings SET value='SNAPSHOT' WHERE name='system/platform/subVersion';
vi web/src/main/webResources/WEB-INF/config-db/database_migration.xml

In WEB-INF/config-db/database_migration.xml add an entry for the new version in the 2 steps:

<entry key="3.8.1">
git add .
git commit -m "Update version to $nextversion"

# Push the branch
git push origin $versionbranch
  1. Publishing

Generate checksum files

  • If using Linux:

cd web/target && md5sum geonetwork.war > geonetwork.war.md5 && cd ../..
cd geonetwork-$version && md5sum geonetwork-install-$newversion.jar > geonetwork-install-$newversion.jar.md5 && cd ..
  • If using Mac OS X:

md5 -r web/target/geonetwork.war > web/target/geonetwork.war.md5
md5 -r geonetwork-$newversion/geonetwork-install-$newversion.jar > geonetwork-$newversion/geonetwork-install-$newversion.jar.md5

On sourceforge first:

sftp $sourceforge_username,
# For stable release
cd /home/frs/project/g/ge/geonetwork/GeoNetwork_opensource
# or for RC release
cd /home/frs/project/g/ge/geonetwork/GeoNetwork_unstable_development_versions/
mkdir v3.0.0
cd v3.0.0
put docs/changes3.0.0-0.txt
put geonetwork*/*.jar*
put web/target/geonetwork.war*

Update or add the changelog in the documentation

Close the milestone on github with link to sourceforge download.

Publish the release on github

Update the website links

Send an email to the mailing lists.

  1. Merge in depending branches

If a major version, then master version has to be updated to the next one (eg. if 3.8.0, then 3.7.x is 3.9.x).

# Create it if it does not exist yet
git checkout master
./ $currentversion $nextMajorVersion

In the following folder web/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/classes/setup/sql/migrate create v370 folder.

In this folder create a migrate-default.sql with the following content:

UPDATE Settings SET value='3.7.0' WHERE name='system/platform/version';
UPDATE Settings SET value='SNAPSHOT' WHERE name='system/platform/subVersion';

In web/src/main/webResources/WEB-INF/config-db/database_migration.xml add the following for the migration to call the migration script:

<entry key="3.7.0">

Commit the new version

git add .
git commit -m "Update version to $nextMajorVersion"
git push origin master