Web Map Service (WMS)ΒΆ
This section describes the Web Map Service (WMS).
- WMS settings
- Workspace
- Service Metadata
- Root Layer Information
- Raster Rendering Options
- Watermark Settings
- SVG Options
- Limited SRS list
- Advanced projection handling and map wrapping
- Restricting MIME types for GetMap and GetFeatureInfo requests
- Disabling usage of dynamic styling in GetMap, GetFeatureInfo and GetLegendGraphic requests
- Disabling GetFeatureInfo requests results reprojection
- Setting Remote Style max connection and request time
- i18n Settings
- Mark Factory Precedence
- WMS basics
- WMS reference
- Time Support in GeoServer WMS
- WMS output formats
- WMS vendor parameters
- Non Standard AUTO Namespace
- WMS configuration
- Global variables affecting WMS
- GetLegendGraphic
- WMS Decorations
- Google Earth