WPS longitudinal profile process
WPS longitudinal profile process provides the ability to calculate an altitude profile for the specified linestring.
In addition, the process can:
Reproject result to different CRS
Adjust altitude profile based on additional layer
Installing the WPS longitudinal profile process
If you haven’t done already, install the WPS extension: Installing the WPS extension.
Download the WPS longitudinal profile process extension from the nightly GeoServer community module builds.
Make sure to match the version of the extension to the version of the GeoServer instance!
Extract the contents of the archive into the
directory of the GeoServer installation.
Module description
This module provides longitudinal profile process. The process splits provided geometry (for example linestring) into segments of no more then provided distance length. Then evaluates altitude for each point and builds longitudinal profile. If adjustment layer name is provided, altitude will be adjusted by searching feature that contains corresponding point, and getting it’s altitude attribute, further subtracting it from altitude received from coverage. If targetProjection parameter is provided, points of profile will be reprojected to target CRS, otherwise to CRS of provided ewkt geometry.
Process accepts following parameters:
layerName - name of the raster layer (coverage) which will be used for altitude profile creation
geometry - geometry in wkt or ewkt format, along which the altitude profile will be created. If wkt is used, its CRS will be assumed as CRS of coverage.
distance - maximal distance between points of altitude profile
adjustmentLayerName - name of the layer with altitude, which will be used to adjust altitude values. Layer should have polygon or multipolygon geometry, and altitude attribute. Layer should be configured in the GeoServer
targetProjection - target CRS of result
altitudeIndex - index of altitude field in the array of coverage coordinates (0 by default)
altitudeName - name of the altitude attribute on adjustment layer feature type
Response contains following objects:
profile - contains array of points of the profile
infos - general info on process result
The profile object contains an array of points.
Each point has following values:
totalDistanceToThisPoint - distance to this point from the beginning of the profile (first point) in units of CRS
x - x coordinate of point
y - y coordinate of point
altitude - altitude of this point
slope - slope between previous and current altitude
Infos object fields:
altitudePositive - sum of positive altitudes on this profile
altitudeNegative - sum of negative altitudes on this profile
distance - total length of profile
firstpointX - x coordinate of first point
firstpointY - y coordinate of first point
lastpointX - x coordinate of last point
lastpointY - y coordinate of last point
representation - target CRS of resulting points
processedpoints - total number of processed points
executedtime - duration of process execution in milliseconds