Publishing a Layer Group
This tutorial walks through the steps of publishing a layer group combing several layers into a basemap.
This tutorial assumes that GeoServer is running at http://localhost:8080/geoserver
Data preparation
First let’s gather that the data that we’ll be publishing.
Complete the previous tutorials:
Publishing a GeoPackage defining the tutorial:countries layer
Publishing a Image defining the tutorial:shaded layer
Create a layer group
Navigate to
page.Layer Groups
This page displays a list of layer groups, workspace that the group belongs to.
Layer groups are allowed to be “global” allowing a map to be created combing layers from several workspaces into a single visual.
At the top of the list Layer Groups locate and click the Add new layer group link.
The Layer group editor defines
Basic Resource Info - describes how the layer is presented to others
Coordinate Reference System - establishes how the spatial data is to be interpreted or drawn on the world
Bounding Boxes - establishes where the dataset is located in the world
Layers - the layers to be drawn (listed in draw order)
Locate Basic Resource Info and define the layer:
Plain basemap suitable as a backdrop for geospatial data.
Basic resource information
Scroll down to the Layers list which is presently empty.
Click Add Layer link, select the
layer first.The raster should be drawn first, as other content will be shown over top of it.
Click Add Layer link, select the
layer second.This polygon layer will be drawn second.
Locate the
layer in the list and click the Style entry to changepolygon
.By drawing only the outline of the countries the shaded relief can show through.
Layer group layers in drawing order
Locate the Coordiante Reference Systems and press Generate Bounds.
Now that layers are listed we they can be used to determine the corodinate reference system and bounds of the layer group.
Coordinate Reference Systems
Press Save complete your layer group.
Previewing the layer
In order to verify that the tutorial:basemap
layer is published correctly, we can preview the layer.
Navigate to the
page and find thetutorial:basemap
Use the Search field with tutorial as shown to limit the number of layers to page through.
Click the OpenLayers link in the Common Formats column.
An OpenLayers map will load in a new tab. This preview is used to zoom and pan around the dataset, as well as display the attributes of features.
Preview basemap