Hazelcast based process status clustering
Starting with version 2.7.0 GeoServer has a new WPS extension point allowing GeoServer nodes in the same cluster to share the status of current WPS requests. This is particularly important for asynchronous ones, as the client polling for the progress/results might not be hitting the same node that’s currently running the requests.
The Hazelcast based status sharing module leverages the Hazelcast library to share the information about the current process status using a replicated map.
The installation of the module follows the usual process for most extensions:
Stop GeoServer
Unpack the contents of gs-wps-hazelcast-status.zip into the
folderRestart GeoServer
The module does not require any configuration in case the default behavior is suitable for the deploy environment.
By default, the module will use multicast messages to locate other nodes in the same cluster and will automatically start sharing information about the process status with them.
In case this is not satisfactory, a hazelcast.xml
file can be created/edited in the
root of the GeoServer data directory to modify the network connection methods.
The file is not using a GeoServer specific syntax, it’s instead a regular Hazelcast configuration file with a simple distributed map declaration:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
Configure Hazelcast for clustering GeoServer's WPS process status.
For more information, see:
<hazelcast xmlns="http://www.hazelcast.com/schema/config"
Make Hazelcast use log4j2 just like GeoServer. Remember to add
a Logger for com.hazelcast with the appropriate logging level
in the geoserver logging configuration to see Hazelcast log messages
<property name="hazelcast.logging.type">log4j2</property>
<!-- Network section, by default it enables multicast, tune it to use tcp in case
multicast is not allowed, and list the nodes that make up a reasonable core of the
cluster (e.g., machines that will never be all down at the same time) -->
<port auto-increment="true">5701</port>
<multicast enabled="true">
<tcp-ip enabled="false">
<aws enabled="false">
<!-- The WPS status map -->
<map name="wpsExecutionStatusMap">
<!-- Add indexes to support the two most common queries -->
<index type="HASH">
<index type="SORTED">
In case a TCP based configuration is desired, one just needs to disable the multicast one, enable the tcp-ip one, and add a list of interface addresses in it that will form the core of the cluster. Not all nodes in the cluster need to be listed in said section, but a list long enough to ensure that not all the nodes in the list might go down at the same time: as long as at least one of said nodes lives, the cluster will maintain its integrity.