Digital Object Identifier (DOI)¶
DataCite API is used to create DOI.
Configure the API access point in the admin console > settings

A record can be downloaded using the DataCite format from the API using: http://localhost:8080/geonetwork/srv/api/records/da165110-88fd-11da-a88f-000d939bc5d8/formatters/datacite?output=xml
Creating the DOI¶
Once configured, DOI can be created using the interface. DOI is created on demand. It means that a user must ask for creation of a DOI. When created, the task is notified by email to the reviewer of the group (by default, can be configured for administrator only).

The task is assigned to a specific user. An optional due date and comment can be defined:

After submission of the task, the task owner is notified by email (if the mail server is configured, see admin console > settings). The task can then be resolved in the admin console > information > versionning section.
For DOI creation, the task is a 2 steps actions:
First check if all prerequisite are covered (below the record is not valid in DataCite format)
The DataCite format requires some mandatory fields:
Identifier (with mandatory type sub-property)
Creator (with optional given name, family name, name identifier and affiliation sub-properties)
Title (with optional type sub-properties)
ResourceType (with mandatory general type description subproperty)
The mapping with ISO standards is the following:
Property |
ISO 19139 |
ISO 19115-3 |
Identifier |
gmd:MD_Metadata/gmd:fileIdentifier/*/text() |
mdb:MD_Metadata/mdb:metadataIdentifier/*/mcc:code/*/text() |
Creator |
gmd:identificationInfo/*/gmd:pointOfContact with role ‘pointOfContact’ or ‘custodian’ |
mdb:identificationInfo/*/mri:pointOfContact with role ‘pointOfContact’ or ‘custodian’ |
Title |
gmd:identificationInfo/*/gmd:citation/*/gmd:title |
mdb:identificationInfo/*/mri:citation/*/cit:title |
Publisher |
gmd:distributorContact[1]/*/gmd:organisationName/gco:CharacterString |
mrd:distributorContact[1]/*/cit:party/*/cit:organisationName/gco:CharacterString |
PublicationYear |
gmd:identificationInfo/*/gmd:citation/*/gmd:date/*[gmd:dateType/*/@codeListValue = ‘publication’] |
mdb:identificationInfo/*/mri:citation/*/cit:date/*[cit:dateType/*/@codeListValue = ‘publication’] |
ResourceType |
gmd:hierarchyLevel/*/@codeListValue |
mdb:metadataScope/*/mdb:resourceScope/*/@codeListValue |
The mapping can be customized in:
See for more details on the format.

A DOI may already be assigned for a record:

In such case the DOI needs to be removed first.
After validation, create the DOI

The DOI is then added to the metadata record:

The REST API allows to access the DOI related operations:

The check preconditions API returns exception if one of the pre requisite is not met:
DataCite API is not configured
Record is not public
Record already has a DOI
Record is not valid for DataCite (ie. XSD errors returned by DataCite XSD validation)

When a DOI is created, the response return the following details:

The DOI is added to the metadata record using the following encoding: